Australia’s Best Small Home Is For Sale

Australia’s Best Small Home 

Australian company ArchieBlox showed off their pre-fab carbon positive small homes in Melbourne recently. These small homes come with edible wall garden, sunroom and insulating grass roof.
260E9A1400000578-2967929-ArchiBlox_an_Australian_architectural_firm_has_developed_the_wor-a-1_1424842062665The 75-square-metre home will cost approximately $4,000 per square metre and while there is no mechanical heating or cooling in the home the company state that shading devices which are placed externally on the home reduce the heat in summer and when retracted help to warm the home in winter.
‘Archi+ Carbon Positive Houses will make significant contributions within society by addressing the increasing levels of carbon emissions and the high levels of embodied energy that come with the construction of a standard home.’ ArchiBlox
For pricing and purchasing visit the ArchiBlox website by clicking here.


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